Milanka (Djuranovic) Bajcetic was born in Podgorica. Since 2002, she has been exhibiting independently in galleries and museums in Montenegro. On her path as a self-taught painter, she will be taught by academic painter Dobroslav Mrdak and Mrs. Tinda Bulatovic (graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade).

For many years she was a member of the “Izvorni likovni umjetnci Crne Gore” (Original Fine Artists of Montenegro) and a member of the NGA “Slikarski Uranak” from Podgorica. She has designed several books and writes poetry. She is the founder of NGA “Likovni etnos Crne Gore” (Art Ethnos of Montenegro). In 2018, she was registered with the Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro as an independent artist. Since November 2018, she has been running “Treće doba” (Third age), drawing and painting school at the Association of Pensioners in Podgorica.

She lives and paints in Podgorica.

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